Friday, February 13, 2009


As the ideas of this language came to me gradually since now more than 10 years, since I tried to implement it many times and many ways, I finally got to the point to have time and assion enough to achieve it.
My previous tries were all failed by boreness, when I had cyclic bugs (the ones that, when you think you find the solution, you just create another bug and so on until you finally reproduce it in correction chain) that came from the fact it was hard to embrace the whole logic with one look.
I here decided to work a lot on the tools I would use to write it (debug informations, ...) and then to make it slowly (sloooowly ...)
I needed so one month of full-time work (17h/day 6d/7, only 10h the 7th day ^^), that is only possible with passion, to just have the basic language logic implemented and the remaining imagined.

It remains now some deep-inside optimisation and finalisations, the ObjectOriented part to finalise and then the binds to the real world (RSS, MySQL, GoogleGears, HTML generation, ...) through the "extractions" and all side-effect operations.

For now, any expression (including functionals and recursives) are computable and correct, even if it still needs 10 seconds to compute " 10 ! "

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